Virtual Open House

There's no way to adequately explain the Nova community through writing, so check out this video introduction to the Community section of the Virtual Open House!
Nova Norms
The Nova Norms are the guidelines that every member in the Nova community follows. At the beginning of every new school year, every student and parent signs the Nova Norms, signifying their understanding of the Norms and that they will respect their school and community by following them.
Check out the Nova Norms!
The Nova Building
If we were doing a physical Open House, you'd have the opportunity to see and feel the Nova building. In this virtual world, the best replacement is a video tour!
Please check out this video taken of the Nova building, and use this opportunity to get an idea of where the couches are in the halls, how classrooms are set up, and how every part of the school is made to aid in student creativity and learning :).
"The Nova building has the character of an old school building. As I walk up the front stairs and pass through the columns, I always feel as if I am walking into some place special, like an Egyptian temple. A place were dreams are cultivated and brought into reality. To be welcomed into the Nova community makes me feel like I have finally made it home."
-- Nova Teacher
What does it feel like to be in the building?
"I love Nova because it's a very community based school and a lot of primary focuses are building each other up and focusing the the betterment of each others education."
-- Nova Student
"I like that this schools is different than others. We’re treated like humans and adults rather than children. We’re given more freedom and it makes us want to do better. I just really appreciate having somewhere that helps me grow rather than being able to recite information."
-- Nova Student
Nova students talk about what it feels like to be welcomed into the Nova community
Group discussion about what students and teachers love about Nova!
Videos & Articles
Over the years, Nova students and staff have had the opportunity to speak on behalf of their school and share their stories, creations, and love for Nova High School.
For the Virtual Open House, we've collected a few articles, interviews, and videos of students speaking in front of the school board to share with you.
Please take a look and see just the tip of the iceberg of Nova's powerful presence in the world.
Here's a link to an article written by Nova students: When unwanted questions drove us out of school, Nova welcomed us
Here's another link to an article written by Nova students: This Seattle high school principal says 'adults need to learn how to listen deeply to youth'
Nova's current principal, Eyva, and former principal, Mark, were interviewed by the radio show "Let's Go There"! Here's a link to that interview: Let's Go There: Nova High School, All For The Community
Social and Racial Justice at Nova
Nova is...
68.4% white 7.5% two or more races 11.8% Hispanic/latinx of any races 8.5% Black/African American 3.3% Asian 0.5% Native American/Alaskan Native
As of 2019
Nova High School actively works to center social and racial justice throughout our education and community. Throughout the Virtual Open House, you will see questions asked and statements about how Nova involves social and racial justice within every aspect of the school. To get a more general idea of some of the ways Nova centers social and racial justice, check out this document!
Listen to teacher Melissa and student Ella talk about how Nova as a safe space!
Listen to two Nova students talk about how Nova is a safe space!
Nova as a Safe Space
“I moved to Nova in 10th grade after having a very difficult 9th grade experience at another school and the first thing I noticed was the welcoming environment. No matter who you love, how you dress, what you look like, you are always met with kindness and people with a willingness to understand you. I have never felt such a safe place to be myself. On top of that I had never had the freedom to explore what I cared about or what I wanted to learn about. At Nova I was given the opportunity to pick my own classes, suggest classes to teacher and start up independent contracts. Nova is truly a safe and free space.”
-- Nova Student
“its an oasis for the weird kids, which makes it easier for weird kids to learn cause there not being bullied constantly. it has a island of misfit toys vibe but its not fake misfits its some real ass people with some real problems and if you have some real problems they will be taken seriously at nova”
-- Nova Student
“Okay, so I've only been here for two months, so I've never really got to experience *the community!* in its actual, not-in-the-middle-of-a-pandemic form. However, even then, I have had a pretty good time at this school. I like the fact that I get to pick my own classes (and all of them are, like, waaay more interesting than normal school classes. Like film analysis or LGBTQ history.) There's also quite a bit of community here, everyone here is really nice - we've got a Discord and a school Minecraft server! (both unofficial, but hey.) It's not easier than regular schools but it does have a better sense of community.
Also, we're like, super accepting of gay and trans people. A very large percentage of the student population is not cishet in some way or another. You might ask, "wait, you're so accepting of gay people but you don't have a GSA?" I'd answer that the entire school is the GSA so there's no real point in having a specific club for that. (Also, lots of people here are neurodivergent.)
So if you're gay, trans, neurodivergent, interested in film or politics, a gamer, someone looking for more community-oriented education, or just someone who has a Tumblr, go check us out, we're pretty cool.”
-- Nova Student